Alaina Roberts

Evolving strategies for marketing leadership: Insights from the Bright B2B leaders dinner

Evolving strategies for marketing leadership: Insights from the Bright B2B leaders dinner

The Bright B2B Marketing Leaders Dinner served as a vibrant forum for senior marketing professionals from the tech and consulting sectors to delve into discussions under Chatham House Rules. The event united leaders to share their priorities, successes, challenges, and insights, fostering a rich exchange of ideas over fine dining. The primary focus of the discussions was on the increasing necessity for agility and effectiveness within senior B2B marketing roles, highlighting key challenges and emerging trends across several critical areas.

This briefing note encapsulates the discussions, offering deeper insights into the challenges faced and the strategic approaches that have proven effective, both from the experiences shared by the leaders and the solutions provided by Bright to enhance marketing and business outcomes.

Key discussion themes and strategies for success:

Adapting to constant change and building resilience:

Leaders are grappling with an environment where market conditions, business requirements, and operational targets are perpetually evolving. Transparency about the constant nature of change is vital for fostering a resilient mindset within marketing teams and the wider business. Change fatigue, too much change and poorly communicated change is an issue in terms of realising the value of major business transformation programmes.

The conversation underscored that managing change isn’t just about responding reactively but proactively establishing agile ways of working that can adapt to change and shaping organisational culture to anticipate and embrace change as an ongoing opportunity.

Key strategies: 
Establish agile marketing practices and adapt them to your environment, conduct regular strategic reviews, and cultivate a culture that views change as a growth mechanism. Agile marketing methodologies enhance adaptability and operational efficiency, but you need robust change enablement communication strategies to support and accelerate any transitions.

Aligning KPIs and communicating effectively with the C-Suite:

It’s essential for marketing KPIs to resonate with C-suite executives and align with broader business goals, ensuring marketing is seen as a strategic partner rather than a cost centre.

Leaders discussed the challenge of bridging the communication gap between marketing functions and executive leadership, emphasising the need for metrics that clearly demonstrate marketing’s contribution to the company’s targets including CAGR in high growth firms whilst demonstrating bottom line savings through efficiencies and top line growth was important for corporate environments.

Key strategies:
Develop impactful KPIs and tailor communications to the C-suite’s interests. A regular reporting cadence and clear articulation of the value of marketing efforts, from short-term demand generation to long-term brand building, are crucial. Establishing Revenue Operations (RevOps) fosters cross-functional collaboration and alignment on common goals so that everyone is working towards the same goals and outcomes.

AI Usage and Activation:

The potential of AI to enhance efficiency and engagement in marketing is significant, yet its adoption is inconsistent across industries.

Discussion highlighted that while many are optimistic about AI’s potential, there is a clear need for a framework to systematically integrate and leverage these technologies effectively. Some organisations did not allow or limited use of AI which has held back the marketing teams abilities to realise operational efficiencies and test and learn to understand where effectiveness improvements can support greater engagement across the buyer journey and within the existing client base. Other organisations were unclear where AI would add value and the risk of distraction rather than AI adding value was an issue.

Key strategies: 
Effectively use existing AI tools, develop clear use cases, and implement the Bright AI Activation Framework for a structured test-and-learn approach. Foster an innovative and agile organisational culture to support technological shifts.

Internal friction and the impact on marketing effectiveness:

Interfacing agile marketing teams with non-agile departments often creates friction, with resistance from individual team members or leadership exacerbating the issue.

The leaders shared how internal friction can derail agile marketing initiatives and discussed strategies for overcoming resistance to change.

Key strategies: 
Showcase agile marketing’s business value, facilitate change enablement communications, and provide leadership training to agree how agile principles will be activated within the organisation. Foster a collaborative culture to reduce collaboration drag and amplify marketing effectiveness. A book recommendation to read on this topic is The Goal by Eliyahu M Goldratt written in a fast-paced thriller style which outlines the theory of constraint.

Harnessing new generation talent:

Integrating Generation Z into the workforce presents unique challenges due to their different expectations about career progression and workplace dynamics. This generation’s digital prowess and innovative potential are immense, but their career expectations can clash with traditional progression paths.

Key strategies: 
Set realistic career expectations, provide continuous feedback, create opportunities for quick wins, cultivate a learning environment, adapt retention strategies, and harness their digital skills for organisational benefit.

Strategic outlook:

The discussions not only illuminated the shared challenges among B2B marketing leaders but also showcased diverse and effective strategies for addressing these challenges. Bright continues to stand as the preferred partner in navigating these complex landscapes, offering strategic support and agile marketing solutions that drive successful outcomes.

Our next marketing leaders’ dinner this Autumn, will focus on “Effective AI Activation in B2B Marketing,” to understand and explore the practical application of AI technologies, by invitation only, request a place on the waiting list here 

Alaina RobertsEvolving strategies for marketing leadership: Insights from the Bright B2B leaders dinner
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How to boost the effectiveness of your marketing function

How to boost the effectiveness of your marketing function

Senior marketing leaders – Supercharge your marketing department with the game-changing strategies that can unleash hidden opportunities and eradicate inefficiency.

Watch on-demand to gain expert advice on:

  • What you gain with a more effective marketing function
  • The top 3 most important factors to transform your marketing function effectiveness
  • The proven tools to help you on your journey – including one we’ll give you for free!
  • How to get started

This is NOT your average marketing webinar. This is your chance to take your marketing from good to legendary in 2024!

Speaker: Lydia Kirby, Marketing Transformation Director and ICAgile Certified trainer

Download: Marketing Effectiveness Reframe Cards

Reframe Cards enable you and your team to have a different kind of conversation, re-think strategies or tactics and highlight learnings that you can take forward to optimise and generate better outcomes.

These Reframe Cards are focused on having conversations to help improve your marketing effectiveness, and empower your team to challenge their thinking. By changing their frame of mind to continually learn and grow, you can yield real business results and make a positive impact on your businesses bottom line.

Reading list

We’ve curated collection of inspiring and insightful reads and podcasts to help you boost the effectiveness of the marketing function within your organisation.

Access the reading list

Alaina RobertsHow to boost the effectiveness of your marketing function
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Effective and agile communication in leading organisational change – Reading list

Effective and agile communication in leading organisational change  – Reading list

Welcome to a curated collection of inspiring and insightful reads and podcasts to help you implement effective and agile communication when leading organisational change


Change enablement toolkit



Gartner – Shaping Culture to Support Change
How culture affects behavior and performance — and how to influence it during organizational transformation

Gallagher – State of the sector report – Internal communication and employee experience 



Communicating change



Leading Change by John P Kotter


High-Impact Tools for Teams: 5 Tools to Align Team Members, Build Trust, and Get Results Fast



Poor Communication May Be Slowing Down Your Team- HBR


Coca Cola Change Management Case Study – Change Management Insight


Alaina RobertsEffective and agile communication in leading organisational change – Reading list
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From strategy to action: Effective and agile communication in leading organisational change

From strategy to action: Effective and agile communication in leading organisational change


In our latest panel discussion we explore the vital role of communication in driving successful organisational change. In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the ability to effectively communicate strategies and engage stakeholders is paramount to achieving desired outcomes. We  delve into the intersection of strategy and action, offering practical insights and guidance on how to craft compelling messages, foster buy-in, and inspire action at all levels of the organisation. 

In this session, we cover: 

  • Linking effective change communication to business success 
  • The cost of communication failures 
  • Developing a strategic communication plan 
  • How to ensure communications land with employees and drive the change needed 
  • Measuring & showing value 
  • Examples of where communication has or is driving change 

Our panel includes:
  • Emma Sinden, Content & Communications Director, Taulia
  • Natalie Cannatella, Communications & Content Strategist, Bright 
  • Zoe Merchant, Managing Director, Bright

Meet the speakers

Emma Sinden

Content & Communications Director, Taulia 

Emma is a seasoned communications expert with a track record of collaborating with global leaders like Salesforce, Boston Consulting Group, Oracle, and Infosys. Now serving as Director of Content and Communications at Taulia (Part of SAP), she leverages her expertise in change management, communications, and marketing to deliver impactful programmes for clients, employees, and the business. 

Natalie Cannatella

Communications & Content Strategist, Bright 

Natalie is an experienced Content and Communications strategist from Bright. Shes delivered change communications programmes for global organisations including Jacobs, the Financial Times, Informa, Boston Consulting Group and BAE Systems. Natalie uses her blend of comms and content experience to craft effective strategies and clear, impactful communications that drive business change. 

Zoë Merchant

Managing Director, Bright

Zoë is an agile marketing aficionado — a passionate believer in staying ahead of the competition with resilience, adaptability, and pace. After 20 years of delivering B2B marketing strategies. Using agile marketing to test, learn and build on success. Zoë leads the team in delivering results through continual and focused improvements to support clients’ business goals.

Alaina RobertsFrom strategy to action: Effective and agile communication in leading organisational change
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Marketing effectiveness reframe cards

Marketing effectiveness reframe cards

Download your cards to reframe conversations and spark fresh perspectives. 

Reframe Cards are an easy-to-use tool intended to stimulate conversations within teams, encouraging them to reconsider strategies and tactics by prompting thought-provoking discussions.

These cards aim to foster transparency and collaboration by prompting team members to share their thoughts and ideas openly. They can be used in various settings such as team meetings, workshops, or planning sessions to focus on goal-oriented actions and results.

The cards are designed to infuse creativity and agile thinking into team communication, aiming to drive discussions towards actionable solutions. Specifically, the Marketing Effectiveness edition of these cards targets marketing teams, aiming to enhance their strategic capabilities and improve results.

Download the Marketing Effectiveness Reframe Cards

Ready to reframe your mindset and your conversations? Download your Reframe Cards today! 

Interested in improving the impact of your marketing?

Check our on-demand webinar on ‘How to maximise your marketing effectiveness’, our panel of B2B marketing experts address some of these key challenges, and share insights and practical solutions to address these issues – we’ll cover people, process, data and tech.

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Streamlining B2B Marketing Effectiveness: A guide for senior marketers

Streamlining B2B Marketing Effectiveness: A guide for senior marketers

In the fast-paced world of B2B marketing, staying ahead means being agile and focused. At Bright, we understand the challenges you face, from making the most of your martech & data to managing resources wisely. Our approach is about being smart with your strategy, how your teams work and making the most of your resources, ensuring you’re always driving towards measurable success.

For senior marketers navigating the complex terrain of B2B marketing, understanding the delicate balance between strategic alignment, collaboration, and customer lifecycle management is pivotal. The long sales cycles, high customer lifetime values, and the cumulative impact of brand investments necessitate a thoughtful approach to marketing strategy.

We’ve put together this guide as your roadmap to a more effective marketing strategy, crafted with agile marketing at its core.

Considerations before you start

Before diving into the actionable steps, it’s crucial to address the foundational elements that underpin marketing effectiveness in the B2B landscape:

Strategic alignment: Ensuring marketing strategies are directly linked to business goals is key (and obvious!). This alignment drives more focused and impactful marketing efforts but it’s easy for marketing teams to get bogged down in BAU so take a look at where your team is focusing it’s efforts.

Collaboration across revenue-generating functions: Marketing, sales, alliances and customer success teams must work in harmony, leveraging each other’s insights and collective KPIs and strategies to drive growth. Start with sales – this is a key stakeholder for making sure your marketing really achieves it’s potential.

Balancing Marketing priorities: Given B2B’s inherent long sales cycles and the significant value of customer relationships, it’s essential to appropriately distribute focus across acquisition, retention, and expansion.

Brand investment: Investing in your brand is vital for long-term success. However, may be hard to convince your CFO or CRO who is looking at much shorter time horizons in most cases. Investments bolster not just your market position, but they will improve the effectiveness of your demand generation activity. You’ll need to find measures (such as increased Lifetime value/ARR/Retention) that show impact on sales cycle, conversion rate etc over time so key stakeholders feel confident and can see how brand supports both immediate and future revenue streams.

With these considerations in mind, let’s explore practical steps to enhance your marketing effectiveness, starting with quick wins and evolving into comprehensive, long-term strategies.

Enhancing Marketing Effectiveness: Practical steps

Quick Wins for immediate impact

Refine your personas and messaging: Quickly audit your personas and make and adjust your messaging to ensure it’s resonating with your target audience. Clear, compelling messaging can significantly boost engagement and conversions

Optimise digital assets: Review your website and social media profiles for quick improvements. Simple updates can enhance user experience and SEO, driving more traffic and engagement

Reuse, repurpose and shatter content: Review and reuse your content – shatter into new derivatives and reuse across channels.

Leverage data insights: Use existing data to gain quick insights into customer behaviour and preferences, allowing for immediate adjustments to campaigns and strategies.

Strategic Initiatives for sustained growth

Develop agile marketing toolkits and playbooks: Create guides and resources based on successful strategies and tactics. These toolkits should be agile, allowing for quick adaptation as market conditions change. Consider how AI tools could help you here – creating or using marketing or persona based GPTs.

Invest in customer journey mapping: Deeply understand the paths your customers take. This investment helps in tailoring your marketing efforts for better acquisition, retention, and expansion outcomes.

Strengthen cross-functional collaboration: Establish regular touchpoints between marketing, sales, and customer success teams. Shared goals and insights lead to more effective and cohesive strategies. Consider how RevOps principals could help bring alignment and accelerate success.

Measure and adapt brand strategies: Continuously evaluate the impact of your brand investment, balancing short-term gains with long-term objectives. This approach ensures your brand remains a powerful asset in achieving business goals and amplifies your demand generation efforts.

It’s an infinite game

For senior B2B marketers, the path to enhanced marketing effectiveness is multi-faceted, requiring a balance of strategic foresight, agile execution, and continuous adaptation. Backed up with a growth culture and a focus on test and learn to enable innovation to flourish and support your goals. By focusing on both quick wins and strategic, long-term initiatives, you can ensure your marketing efforts contribute significantly to your business’s growth and success.

To further explore strategic alignment, collaborative strategies, or agile marketing methodologies, contact the Bright team for more in-depth guidance and support.



Alaina RobertsStreamlining B2B Marketing Effectiveness: A guide for senior marketers
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Maximising marketing effectiveness – Reading list

Maximising marketing effectiveness – Reading list

Welcome to a curated collection of inspiring and insightful reads and podcasts to help you maximise your marketing effectiveness.


The language of effectiveness by Kantar  –
Report which tracks how the marketing effectiveness landscape has changed and explores narratives around effectiveness


Meet the marketing genius behind Steven Bartlett –  This video highlights the importance testing and iteration ideas that helped take the Diary of a CEO Podcast from 5 thousand followers to 4 million.


WARC – Effectiveness is as important as efficiency – In this first episode of WARC’s Marketing Truths series, Ann Marie Kerwin, Americas Editor, and Mike Menkes, SVP, Analytic Partners, discuss how organisations can measure and prove how and where their marketing works.


Design Thinking and Innovation Metrics Powerful Tools to Manage Creativity, OKRs, Product, and Business Success. This book shares a simple and straightforward playbook to manage and measure innovation, how to use design thinking and how leaders manage Explore and Exploit portfolios to create impact.


There’s one true measure of marketing effectiveness: Marketing(t) – Mark Ritson discusses the importance of thinking about long term effectiveness of marketing.

From efficiency to efficacy: 2024’s B2B marketing revolution – 2024 calls for a deeper analysis of marketing initiatives, focusing on outcomes and finding the 200% better idea.

Dive into these resources to learn and feel inspired to enhance the impact of your marketing, empower your team and drive more value. Each recommendation is carefully chosen to enhance your understanding and inspire insightful discussions.

Alaina RobertsMaximising marketing effectiveness – Reading list
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How to maximise your marketing effectiveness

How to maximise your marketing effectiveness
Marketing leaders are faced with an ongoing barrage of challenges from fast-evolving AI to the pressure of achieving better results with fewer resources, as well as getting the most from your CDP investment and needing to balance short term KPIs with long term goals. We understand that marketing leadership is a tough job right now!
In our webinar on ‘How to maximise your marketing effectiveness’, our panel of B2B marketing experts address some of these key challenges, and share insights and practical solutions to address these issues – we’ll cover people, process, data and tech.

Listen to the podcast

Download your Marketing effectiveness reframe cards

Reframe Cards enable you and your team to have a different kind of conversation, re-think strategies or tactics and highlight learnings that you can take forward to optimise and generate better outcomes.

These Reframe Cards are focused on having conversations to help improve your marketing effectiveness, and empower your team to challenge their thinking. By changing their frame of mind to continually learn and grow, you can yield real business results and make a positive impact on your businesses bottom line.

Marketing Effectiveness: Recommended reads

Check out our suggested reading list of articles, reports and videos to help take your marketing effectiveness to the next level

On-demand video on Maximising your marketing effectiveness

Watch to learn how to improve the impact of your marketing machine, including:
  • People: Improving ways of working, determining future skills and developing a growth culture
  • Process: Optimising your operating model to improve revenue and customer centricity.
  • Data: Achieving optimal RevOps and KPI setting
  • Tech: Maximising the value from your existing martech stack and optimising GenAI opportunities
You’ll also hear examples of how you can find hidden value within your existing marketing and how to prioritise your efforts for the biggest impact.
Our panel includes:
  • Emily Nicols, Group Marketing Director, Informa Markets
  • Sian Heaphy, Certified Agile Trainer and Director, Bright
  • Zoe Merchant, Managing Director, Bright

Meet the speakers

Emily Nicols

Group Marketing Director, Informa Markets

Emily Nicols is a seasoned marketing professional with a passion for driving growth and creating impactful campaigns. As Group Marketing Director at Informa Markets, Emily has successfully implemented comprehensive marketing plans that have consistently delivered measurable results. 

Sian Heaphy

Accredited Agile Marketing Trainer and Director

Sian uses agile methods to encourage creativity, curiosity, and data-driven decisions in marketing. She works with teams to design experiments, gain insights, and achieve business goals. Sian promotes continuous improvement through experimentation and learning.

Zoë Merchant

Managing Director, Bright

Zoë is an agile marketing aficionado — a passionate believer in staying ahead of the competition with resilience, adaptability, and pace. After 20 years of delivering B2B marketing strategies. Using agile marketing to test, learn and build on success. Zoë leads the team in delivering results through continual and focused improvements to support clients’ business goals.

Alaina RobertsHow to maximise your marketing effectiveness
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The power of Kanban boards in marketing: a project-level view

The power of Kanban boards in marketing: a project-level view

Marketing’s remit is forever expanding, requiring a blend of creativity, strategy, and effective project management. One tool that has increasingly become central to effective marketing is the Kanban board. As with any tool, the effectiveness of Kanban boards lies in how they are used and managed.  

A key tool in the application of agile marketing, Kanban boards have crossed over from many other industries due to their ease of visualising workflow, managing tasks, and fostering collaboration. Marketing, with its multiple tasks and objectives, can particularly benefit from this approach.  

However, a common question arises when everything in Marketing is connected: should we maintain a project-level Kanban board or a tactical one? 

Project-level boards vs tactical boards 

The project-level board provides a broader view of the whole project, including the diverse tasks needed to achieve a marketing campaign’s goal. It tracks the project’s progress from start to finish, showing the status of all tasks at a glance: what’s been completed, what’s in progress, and what’s yet to be started. It’s like looking at a map of a journey from a bird’s eye view.  

On the other hand, a tactical board is more focused. It manages individual or interrelated tasks that make up a project. While this micro-level view can be handy in managing the intricacies of tasks, it might not show how these tasks fit into the overall project, and it can lead to losing sight of the big picture and end up increasing the siloes rather than removing them. 

In marketing, where campaigns often involve interlinked activities (content creation, social media promotion, email campaigns, etc.), it becomes more advantageous to opt for a project-level board. This broad outlook ensures that all elements are interconnected and moving in harmony towards the campaign’s overall goal. 

Managing your Kanban board 

Regardless of the type of board you use, its efficiency boils down to proper management. Here are some tips to guide you:  

  1. Regularly update: Ensure the board is frequently updated with the status of tasks. It should be an accurate reflection of the project’s state.
  1. Prioritise tasks: Use a system (like color-coding and tagging) to signify task importance or urgency. It helps to focus the team’s efforts on what matters most.
  1. Limit WIP (Work-In-Progress): Kanban encourages completing tasks before taking on new ones. Set a WIP limit to prevent the team from being overwhelmed and to enhance productivity.
  1. Feedback and improvement: Have regular reviews and retrospectives. Use feedback from these sessions to streamline processes and improve the board’s functionality.

While tactical Kanban boards can be useful for managing detailed tasks, the interconnected nature of marketing activities makes the project-level board a more effective choice.  

Team benefits of Kanban boards 

As previously mentioned, Kanban boards contribute to maximise project management efficiency but how do we see the benefits play out within our teams?   

Accountability: Teams can prioritise tasks based on the appropriate coding system ensuring high priority tasks are not missed as well as enabling teams to have full autonomy through clear accountability and ownership of tasks. 

Simplicity: Kanban boards can be replicated, changed and adapted resulting in a simple, intuitive and swift adoption practice within teams.  

Remote collaboration: Whilst we are all still trying to adapt to new ways of working – especially across different verticals, industries and geographical locations – Kanban boards allow cross-functional teams to collaborate without missing key updates – wherever they are in the world! 

Well managed, a Kanban board can be a game-changer, promoting transparency, increasing, improving and maximising efficiency, and ultimately, driving your marketing campaign towards success. 

If you are looking to improve your ways of working to enhance your team’s agility and effectiveness, our Agile Marketing one-day training bootcamp is a good place to start.

Run by our team of accredited B2B agile marketing trainers and practitioners. Quickly empower your team to:  

  • Work smarter – make the most of your people, budget, tools and time  
  • Implement experimentation to drive continual improvement 
  • Use data & insights to inform decision making 
  • Demonstrate results and ROI at pace 
  • Pivot or persevere – easily adapt to market forces 

Contact us to find out more about our one-day Introduction to Agile Marketing bootcamp 

Resources/reading list:

Alaina RobertsThe power of Kanban boards in marketing: a project-level view
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How to use content AI and remain authentic – practical guidelines

How to use content AI and remain authentic – practical guidelines

If you are someone who writes content for a living, you may have entered 2023 a little worried about your job following the launch of ChatGPT in late November 2022. There’s no denying that on first trying out the tool, it was impressive just how quickly it could write something that was clear, well-structured and seemingly accurate. But by the third or fourth go, you quickly realised that it all looked and sounded the same, and it was glaringly obvious when someone had copied and pasted straight out of it. Content writers everywhere breathed an audible sigh of relief. The robots haven’t replaced us just yet!  

However, it’s exciting to explore how we can achieve productivity gains and access these vast knowledge banks to lift our own content, striking the balance between AI and human capabilities. Here are our guidelines on how to get the best out of content AI tools while still sounding “human”, authoritative and authentic. 

Your research helper 

Use ChatGPT or other content AI to help you research your topic and develop your key points for your piece, alongside your other previous research methods. It can also be used to research clients, client prospects, the state of the industry and so on. But asking the right questions is critical and you should never accept the first response you receive. So much so that some companies are now hiring “prompt engineers” with expertise in this area. You must keep refining your prompts to get higher quality responses and reach the level of depth you require.  

Note that ChatGPT has limited knowledge of events after a certain date and nobody seems to be clear when that date is according to a recent article by ZDNet. You may need to stick with traditional research methods if it’s recent events you’re interested in. Take an agile approach to testing what research methods work best to produce an outline which is comprehensive and accurate. 

Creating personas 

Open AI has given ChatGPT a carefully chosen tone of voice which is designed to appeal to the majority and is best described as neutral and professional, i.e. a bit generic and boring. However, you can train ChatGPT to create content that reflects your organisation’s unique style, vocabulary and tone of voice.  

To do this, you need to create a training dataset which consists of a range of content examples that reflect your organisation’s tone of voice. This should include blogs, social media posts, articles and client-facing emails and cover a variety of topics. 

If you produce content for multiple organisations, you can create different ChatGPT personas for each organisation which reflect their individual writing style. Building on an agile approach, you could set up different personas for an organisation to help test different styles and see which achieves the most engagement. 

Need for speed 

Like the famous racing game series, the pressure to increase efficiency and speed impacts us all. Content AI can absolutely help you to write and produce content much faster than previously, by speeding up the phase that takes the most time — researching and planning your piece. This can allow you to focus on the tasks that require more creativity and innovation.  

Be careful though, ChatGPT isn’t perfect and can sometimes generate inaccurate information. It’s only as good as the data it’s trained on and as with all things, fact-checking and a good pinch of common sense is required. 

Overcoming writer’s block 

Sometimes getting started is the hardest thing when it comes to writing and we all suffer from writer’s block from time-to-time. Asking content AI what it thinks about a certain subject can be enough to kick-start the creative juices. Once they start flowing again, it’s time to step away from the AI.  

Run a pilot 

We always recommend taking an agile approach and running a pilot to test and learn before deciding which content AI to adopt within your organisation. This provides the opportunity to demonstrate to leadership how the tool can help improve your team’s productivity without compromising on quality. As with all AI, privacy and security should be a key consideration. Leaders need to ensure guardrails are in place for their teams to be able to test and adopt AI solutions safely. This agile approach enables you to test and learn then quickly scale where value is demonstrated. 

Human’s rule 

ChatGPT and other content AI are still powerful tools and can speed up the content writing process, but they cannot replace human creativity, intuition and empathy. It’s essential to strike a balance between AI and human capabilities to achieve the best outcomes. Any piece of content should always reflect your organisation or client’s tone of voice to ensure it remains consistent and authentic. 

Content AI can’t compete with your insider knowledge about your market and your audiences. Always remember you are the expert in your area!   


Get in touch to find out how Bright can help you harness agile marketing to deliver your marketing strategy in 2024.

Resources/reading list:

Alaina RobertsHow to use content AI and remain authentic – practical guidelines
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