Bright Ideas

Why experimentation is crucial in marketing

Are you feeling like your marketing strategies are stuck in a rut? Do you find yourself using the same tactics time and time again, only to see underwhelming results? We know the feeling, and that’s why we’re excited to present our exclusive on-demand content for the Smarter Marketer panel event.

Our panel brought together the brightest and best minds in the industry to explore what experimentation means to them, how they’ve used experimentation to enhance marketing activity and how this can help improve the ROI of marketing efforts.

We want to give you as marketers the power to do great work – check out our Smarter Marketer Event on experimentation; a 45 min panel discussion featuring the savviest marketers in B2B and can help provide inspiration, the pitfalls to avoid, and how to harness experimentation to take your marketing efforts to the next level.

Missed the session, watch it on demand!

Access the reframe cards – experimentation edition

Download our experimentation reframe cards – purposely created to help you and your teams experiment more, challenge assumptions, improve marketing effectiveness and ROI.

Meet the speakers

Lydia Kirby

Lydia is passionate about using experimentation to demonstrate the measurable impact of marketing strategies and finding innovative solutions to business challenges. She enjoys collaborating closely with clients and leveraging agile marketing methodologies to rapidly test and iterate on ideas.

Sian Heaphy

Sian uses agile methods to encourage creativity, curiosity, and data-driven decisions in marketing. She works with teams to design experiments, gain insights, and achieve business goals. Sian promotes continuous improvement through experimentation and learning.

Harriet Durnford-Smith

As the CMO at Adverity, Harriet is a seasoned marketing leader who understands the importance of experimentation in building effective customer-centric strategies. With her extensive experience, she oversees all aspects of the company’s marketing operations, driving her team to test new ideas and approaches in pursuit of meaningful growth.

Rosalind Hill

Rosalind is a strategic marketer who uses experimentation to make data-driven decisions and deliver exceptional customer experiences. Passionate about customer-centric strategies, Rosalind uses experimentation to identify new opportunities, craft engaging content, and optimise campaigns to drive business growth.

Reading List

Watched the panel and interested in hearing more? Check out our extended list of experimentation in marketing resources:


  1. Think Again: The power of knowing what you don’t know by Adam Grant. A great book about why experimentation is important and why you need to challenge your thoughts, knowledge and opinions
  2. Experimentation Works: The Surprising Power of Business Experiments by Stefan H. Thomke. A book covering best practices for business experimentation and key things to think about

Articles, podcasts, and videos:

  1. The surprising habit of original thinkers – Adam Grant A TED Talk on the characteristics and habits of original thinkers and how they drive creativity and innovation
  2. A step by step guide to business experiments: Eric T.Anderson and Duncan Simester Exactly what it says on the tin a step by step guide to executing experiments
  3. Building a culture of experimentation – Stefan Thomke A look at the cultural considerations for scaling experimentation within teams and organisations
  4. Revenue Vitals – Chris Walker A podcast from the CEO of Refine Labs  on what it takes to build a high growth company
Sian HeaphyWhy experimentation is crucial in marketing

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