B2B: Human to human

B2B: Human to human

28th May 2021, 13:30 GMT

Struggling to establish the all-important emotional connection with your B2B customers? Want to differentiate yourself from the competition, or maybe you’re keen to evoke the right decision-making emotion? 

Establishing emotional connections are at the very heart of the B2B decision-making process. In fact, around 90% of purchasing decisions are made subconsciously, based on emotion rather than logic, and the solution for B2B marketers is to truly understand the needs of customers and how to meet them. Get inspired in this high intensity session focused on: 

  • How emotion plays its part in B2B decision-making 
  • How to emotionally engage your customers 
  • How to evoke the right emotions 

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Alexandra JefferiesB2B: Human to human